
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14353 From: cnc_machines Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Konnect Board Issues


I am having a very strange issue with the Konnect board. I have multiple switches connected to bits 1024-1031. Occasionally all of the switches become unresponsive. When I look at the digital IO screen it shows all of their states to be high, however none of the LED's on the board are high. When I cycle the switches the LED's change states as expected, but for some reason they appear locked in Digital IO.

Can anyone explain what is going on? I have another switch connected to 1034, when I cycle it to run a user program immediately all of the locked IO become unlocked and it functions as expected. I dont think it is my wiring because the LED's seem to work just fine. I would really appreciate any help.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14354 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues

Hi Scott,

Are there any error messages on the KMotion Console Screen?

How long is the ribbon cable to the Konnect?

Is IO bit 1034 an input on Konnect?

What does the User Program do that restores operation?


On 1/19/2017 12:21 PM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I am having a very strange issue with the Konnect board. I have multiple switches connected to bits 1024-1031. Occasionally all of the switches become unresponsive. When I look at the digital IO screen it shows all of their states to be high, however none of the LED's on the board are high. When I cycle the switches the LED's change states as expected, but for some reason they appear locked in Digital IO.

Can anyone explain what is going on? I have another switch connected to 1034, when I cycle it to run a user program immediately all of the locked IO become unlocked and it functions as expected. I dont think it is my wiring because the LED's seem to work just fine. I would really appreciate any help.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14355 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues

Hi Scott,

Are there any error messages on the KMotion Console Screen?

How long is the ribbon cable to the Konnect?

Is IO bit 1034 an input on Konnect?

What does the User Program do that restores operation?


On 1/19/2017 12:21 PM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I am having a very strange issue with the Konnect board. I have multiple switches connected to bits 1024-1031. Occasionally all of the switches become unresponsive. When I look at the digital IO screen it shows all of their states to be high, however none of the LED's on the board are high. When I cycle the switches the LED's change states as expected, but for some reason they appear locked in Digital IO.

Can anyone explain what is going on? I have another switch connected to 1034, when I cycle it to run a user program immediately all of the locked IO become unlocked and it functions as expected. I dont think it is my wiring because the LED's seem to work just fine. I would really appreciate any help.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14356 From: cnc_machines Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues

Ribbon cable is about 3" long. It is isolated from noise sources. 1034 is also an input on the Konnect board which pulls to ground. 

The user program enables all 6 axis on the machine. And jogs 3 axis to limit switches to detect tool length and then saves the parameters into a file on the hardrive of the PC.

I think it would be the re-enabling of the axis that unlocks the IO. I can repeat the issue by inducing a following error on an axis. As soon as that happens the state locks on for all of those IO. 

Can you think of anything that would cause this?



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14357 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues

Hi Scott,

Are there any error messages on the KMotion Console Screen?

Possibly the KMotion to KFLOP Communication is somehow locked so only the Windows Screen is not working.

Please post your programs that monitor the buttons and such.  How many C programs do you have running?



On 1/19/2017 1:14 PM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


Ribbon cable is about 3" long. It is isolated from noise sources. 1034 is also an input on the Konnect board which pulls to ground. 

The user program enables all 6 axis on the machine. And jogs 3 axis to limit switches to detect tool length and then saves the parameters into a file on the hardrive of the PC.

I think it would be the re-enabling of the axis that unlocks the IO. I can repeat the issue by inducing a following error on an axis. As soon as that happens the state locks on for all of those IO. 

Can you think of anything that would cause this?



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14358 From: cnc_machines Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues

No errors on the console screen. There are 2 threads constantly running, but the switches are connected to programs that run independantly.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 14359 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: Re: Konnect Board Issues
Hi Scott,

I looked over the programs you sent but I don't see anything obvious. 

What Version are you running?  V4.33 has a timing issue with Konnect when KFLOP axis 6 is disabled with Input Mode set to No Input (takes almost zero time).  This has been fixed in V4.34a. A work around for Version 4.33 is to configure axis 6 to read a dummy encoder (InputMode=Encoder InputChan0=0).  But this issue normally causes a signature error to be displayed on the Console. You might test if you can cause the problem by only disabling axis 6. 

I did notice a spot in the code where axes 0-3 are checked for any disables. If so any enabled axis 0-3 will be disabled (once).  But axes 4-6 will be continuously and repeatedly disabled. I don't know that this will be a problem but I recommend only disabling an axes once (if it is enabled).

Otherwise I may need you to delete code bit by bit to come up with a minimal example that still exhibits the problem. 

I'm a bit confused on how you are able to restore operation. At one point I thought you said you push an external input IO1031. But later you said that doesn't work (which would make sense since the IO isn't working)


On Jan 19, 2017, at 3:49 PM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:



No errors on the console screen. There are 2 threads constantly running, but the switches are connected to programs that run independantly.

